Friday, May 29, 2009

Free View at XXI

Free viewing at the cinema?
It is definitely not buy one get one promo from either BCA, or other banks.

It is about watching movie with No Cost at all.

One of my teacher, my Biology teacher (Mr.Boni) told me once that he had try to watch free, in cinema. How did he do it?

1. Come to cinema.
2. Choose which movie do you want to see.
3. Look at the time table, then set the time.
4. Leave the cinema, or if you want to, you can sit and wait there.
5. About 15-20 minutes after the movie started, look at the entreance, make sure that no one's there.
6. Enter the cinema.
7. Pick an empty space, enjoy the movie.

To be frank, I don't think that this advice is good enough, because you'll miss quite a time of the movie. And you can only do this to watch 2nd class movie, or let's say, non-blockbuster movie.

For me, I have coincidentally experience some better way to watch movie with no cost. It happened on 29th of May 2009, I planned to watch Terminator 4 with one of my friends, after school. I was a little bit late, and he's inside the cinema already when I arrived. He text me his seat already, and I rushed to the cinema, and I arrived in front of Studio 1,XXI,Puri Indah Mall. Then I told the ticket checker (anyone know what it should be called?) that my friend was inside already, told her that he showed 2 tickets, and I told her the seat of him. Then she allowed me to get inside the cinema, and of course I enjoy the movie.

Later, I asked my friend if he had my ticket, and he didn't say no. And when I was about to pay him for my ticket, he was a little bit confused, wondering why I gave him that money. Then in our way home, he told me that he didn't buy any ticket for me! So, it mean that, I watch that movie for free!

So, from my experience, we can conclude a better way to watch a movie for free! Here is the step of it:
1. Come to cinema.
2. Choose which movie do you want to see.
3. Look at the time table, then set the time.
4. When the movie started for about a minute to five, rush to the entreance of the cinema (studio), told the ticket checker(s) that your friend or friends is inside, then told them a seat number, pick it randomly.
5. They will let you in!
6. Pretend that you're looking for your seat, and in this moment, all you have to do is find an unoccupied seat.
7. Enjoy the movie!

How's that? Sounds good is it not? Well, probably you might be able to apply on those tips only in the weekend or on public holiday, when the cinema is full. And the failure possibility? Not sure about it.
But, try it if you want to! I take no responsibilities at all if one of you who apply those tips and get caught on the process of doing it.

Reminder: this tips can only be used on XXI or 21

Peace! x)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nafsu dan menggendut..


Well, sekolah gak mungkin libur ama sangat tidak mungkin pulang cepet,bener2 bkin stress..!
Untung, minggu ini gak banyak tugas n ulangan (sedikit,sangat sedikit), jadi bisa ongkang2 kaki deh..hehe..

Tp,blakangan, serem juga rasanya, blakangan gw ngerasa perut gw (yg uda lumayan gede) makin tambun! OH NO! Gawat2..knapa ya? Diet gw ud gx mempan? ato napsu (birahi! ya gak lah,makan!) gw bertambah?

Dampaknya fatal! Kekna kapasitas perut gw bertambah nih..huuh..
Hari ini contohnya, gw merasa lapeeeer mulu,gx kenyang2..
Ini Kronologisnya:

6.00: Sarapan, nasi+dumpling (3)+ Siomay (2)+Sop Bayem = Lumayan..
9.45: Istirahat 1, Nasi+Nugget (5)= Lumayan--->2 jam kmudian rasanya laper lagi tapi..
12.45:Istirahat 2, Crepes Choco Peanut = ngeganjel doang..
15.25: Pulang skolah: Kue (1 rol kecil)+Bihun (3sendok)+brownis= gak ngefek apa2
19.30: Nasi (lumayan banyak)+Bistik ayam+sop daging+telor dadar=kenyang banget!

Gila,uda lmayan malem lg,tambah tambun nih..
Harus OR,tapi males..weleh2..berenang ah..

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Surprise Temen, Jumat dan Lain-lain

Selamat hari raya Waisak bagi semua yang merayakannya.
Semoga semua makhluk berbahagia, amin..

pertama, hari kamis kmaren, ada beberapa rencana surprise buat temen.
Yang pertama, gw bnr2 gx ikutan dan emang batal gara2 banyak cacatny, bayangin aja, masa ampe berencana nyulik tu orang?

Yang ke2? Lumayan sukses..dengan kue yang rada meleleh, keringet, tapi kita sukses nangkep "si korban" trus kta iket..hehe..

~Gambar saat "si korban" ama cewe-nya diiket~

Oke, gw blakangan suka bikin rencana, entah surprise ato apa gt..Kalo di Repiw, dari 2 rencana surprise-an orang gw sukses 2x...ada yang berminat gw bkinin rencana? *promosi* x)
Kita lihat siapa korban berikutnya..Muahahahaha..

Well, 1 lagi, hari Jumat kemaren, kpala gw kna hajar wktu maen futsal. Damn! Sakitnya mpe skarang masih berasa. Dampaknya keren jg loh, gw jadi dermawan gitu. Buktinya gw bisa ngejajanin temen gw akua botol (biasanya jajanin permen aja ogah,emang dasarnya pelit) dengan senang, trus nraktirin supir makan 5000...Jadi, kalo mw gw traktirin, gampang pukul aja kepala gw, sering-sering juga boleh, niscaya gw bakal cepet tewas...hehe...

Urusan skolah, kenapa gx libur2 ya?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Lagi Rajin dan HD baru...

Rajin? Yup, lagi sedikit,rajin bkin entri..bukan blajar..hahahaha..mokata masih lom ada yang liad.

Well, 1 things that made me happy..
gw dapet HD baru! yway,yeay! wooohoooo...

My internal HD is running out and made my lovely PC slow.

320 Gb, though I expect to get 500Gb. But it's better than nothing..

What I am gonna do with this HD:

1.Sleep with it.
2. Eat with it.
3.ML (Make Laugh) with it.

Of Course NOT!
1.Store my music
2.My Movies
3.My Pictures
4.My PORN (kidding, i have nothing like these in my pc xp)

Well, that's it! First, i think i need to part it first.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Stress (sedikit dan lagi2)...

Gilaaaaa...bener2 gila skolah itu...
bner2 gx abis pikir, harusnya skolah (trutama) SMA adalah masa terbaik dalam hidup, tapi kenyataanya (sekarang) SMA itu adalah masa yang (mungkin) sama stressnya ama dunia j\kerja ato kuliah..

Gini nih, secara giliran gw lagi stress (baca: punya masalah pribadi), eh, skolah lagi tenang2nya..Giliran lgi hepi kayak skarang ini, skolah malah ngasih tugas ulangan dll yang bejibun...

Ya ampyun, fisik orang ada batesnya x..Ini uda d ambang batas kekna..blakangan uda gx enak body..Tinggal tunggu pnyakit keras datang and gw "liburan" di Sick House (RS)...x(

1 lagi yng bener2 bkin GONDOK, SKIPI, skolah gw, kaga ada lbur sama skali...
Demit! Yang resenya skolah lain macam Sang Barat, eh Sang Timur, ama IPTO malah bisa enak2nya libur!

Hyaaa, butuh istirahat!
Why does school become this f*cking sit!?

btw, bentar lagi musimnya Box Office nih,Terminator+Angels and Demon, wait por meeeee!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Postingan pertama..

Berhubungan ini postingan pertama gw...
gw cma mw bilang, gw lg gx enak bodi!

tiap kali abis seharian pegang kamera gw pasti tepar..
2 yang trakir dengan sukses bikin gw masuk angin..


Rasanya pengen bolos,tp remed mat!
kalo bole susulan ya takapa de..
kalo kaga boleh?

Minggu depan=minggu remed
untung gx berat2 amat..

yah skian..


kekna gw kena virus blogging jg nih (yeah, finally)..

Yah, ini sih awalnya bukan ikut2an orang ato apapun,
yang jelas, awalnya gara2 gw suka ngepost note d FB..

Gw mule mikir, apa skalian bkin blog aja y?
Sampai akhirnya gw bkin blog ini!

Mudah2an blog ini gx terbengkalai (kek flixster gw atopun FS x] )hehe...

Ok, it's a start of something new..

klo mw kritik, kritik aja...
kalo mw ktawa, ktawa aja..
klo mw bakar yg punya blog, JANGAN!
