Break from
-Going To School
-Wake up early
and so on..
But, to be frank, last 2 days was very painful. Having those "wonderful combo" of exam, which make me start to having a cold.
And here's the review of last 3 days' exam:
Day 1: Christian+Computer: Well, so-so...
Day 2: Math= Please, somebody, hang the one who made the question!
History= Well...
Day 3: Physic= Worship the one who made the question!
Civic Study= You're forgiven, Ms!
That's all about it. I'm able to survive it! Thanks to my Friday Plan!
My Friday Plan: Watching Drag Me TO Hell, do private stuff, and take a good night sleep.
Talking about Drag Me to Hell, seriously, this movie was ..................simple made me speechless.
Seriously! If someone loves horror, this movie is highly recommended! Oh, by the way, the review is available on my flixster account. It's a little bit shame for me, for I scream when I watched it (and there were girls who sat beside me! And as far as I remember, they didn't scream! Gosh, it successfully damaged my credibility as a young man. xp)
Well2...That's all for today..Wish me luck for the rest of the exam.
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