Ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome? No, it's not Muse' song but it is really a syndrome. Let's see some explanation:
Stockholm syndrome : a psychological response sometimes seen in abducted hostages, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger or risk in which they have been placed.
Right now, I'm not talking about that Stockholm Syndrome. It's also a syndrome, but it occurred in my real life! This syndrome is seen in 12th Grade Science class in my school, but I believe that it happened in other school as well.
I name it: "School-holm Syndrome".
School-holm syndrome: a physiological response, usually seen in senior year student of the Indonesian high school (grade 12/ 3 SMA), in which someone show something they probably never did before.
Sign and Sypmptomps:
1. The student will act crazily, example, they immidiately formed a formation of table soon after the physics teacher tell them to do some (home)works.
2. Student studying either math or physic or chemistry or some other subject(s) even though there are no exam at all that day, during recess.
3. Student's stares are blank, understand less or nothing at all during lectures.
4. They're starting to see things that they learned in science or social in daily life, to things are not important. For example, when a student see a rat, he/she imagine the anatomy of the rats, the digestive system or even it's nerve system!
May cause fever, cough, influenza and several other disease if reached the worse level. And sometimes, could lead to mental breakdown (okay, I'm kidding!).
Those are the symptoms shown based on today's (July 28th) observation during school. My classmates really did symptom number during the first recess, and it happened to me too! So, what do you think? Are those statements true? Or if you found more symptomps, please tell me, so I am able too add more. Thanks! Cheers!
Long Live SCHOOL, hoek!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Taman Nasional Komodo
Remember my post about Komodo National Park, nominated as one of the world's 7natural wonder? If don't click here.
Right, the latest news I have is, Komodo National Park made it through the next phase or the 3rd phase among with other 27 nominees. Komodo National Park beat around 440 other nominees from 220 different country. Oh, by the way, this phase, is the final phase, and the next elimination will be held next year (2010).
Keep support Komodo National Park as one of the next world's 7natural wonder. If you have voted before, we should wait till next year (we're allowed to vote once a year), but if you haven't, what are you waiting for?
Click new7wonder.com, follow the step, and submitt. We're going to have it again!
Proud to be Indonesian!
Right, the latest news I have is, Komodo National Park made it through the next phase or the 3rd phase among with other 27 nominees. Komodo National Park beat around 440 other nominees from 220 different country. Oh, by the way, this phase, is the final phase, and the next elimination will be held next year (2010).
Keep support Komodo National Park as one of the next world's 7natural wonder. If you have voted before, we should wait till next year (we're allowed to vote once a year), but if you haven't, what are you waiting for?
Click new7wonder.com, follow the step, and submitt. We're going to have it again!
Proud to be Indonesian!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Talking About What?
Recently, I read a really good article about blogging. It says lots of things about blogging and lots of tips. One of it that really caught me was the point, about blog, that have to be specified and also unique.
I think over it recently, think about this blog, which was a little bit screwed up inside (meaning the content). Anyone realize that my blog blab too much about everything? Starting about photography, movie, national things and so on. I just felt that's inconvenient.
Then I think again, that everyone has their own style, whether on their writing style, or their content type. For example:
-marfology blab about almost everything from music to Marv's fashion.
-nickishak punya cerita talk about Nick Ishak's personal life
-radityadika telling story about Raditya Dika's life in personal and his life as a writer
both of nick and raditya use daily language as it's main language.
-miss.chelle who talk mostly about fashion
-and Dewi Lestari has her own style in writing, professional style and she talk mostly about life issue and others.
From now on, I proudly declared that this blog, gregoriusrnaldo.blogspot.com as a blog that talk about life, it could be about life school, personal life or anything that is included in life.
Other site, be kind to visit:
gregoriusmovie.blogspot.com (Movie)
gregoriusphoto.blogspot.com (Photo - haven't been made yet)
gregoriustravel.blogspot.com (Travell and Dining - no post yet)
I'll let everyone know if those site widely opened.
I think over it recently, think about this blog, which was a little bit screwed up inside (meaning the content). Anyone realize that my blog blab too much about everything? Starting about photography, movie, national things and so on. I just felt that's inconvenient.
Then I think again, that everyone has their own style, whether on their writing style, or their content type. For example:
-marfology blab about almost everything from music to Marv's fashion.
-nickishak punya cerita talk about Nick Ishak's personal life
-radityadika telling story about Raditya Dika's life in personal and his life as a writer
both of nick and raditya use daily language as it's main language.
-miss.chelle who talk mostly about fashion
-and Dewi Lestari has her own style in writing, professional style and she talk mostly about life issue and others.
From now on, I proudly declared that this blog, gregoriusrnaldo.blogspot.com as a blog that talk about life, it could be about life school, personal life or anything that is included in life.
Other site, be kind to visit:
gregoriusmovie.blogspot.com (Movie)
gregoriusphoto.blogspot.com (Photo - haven't been made yet)
gregoriustravel.blogspot.com (Travell and Dining - no post yet)
I'll let everyone know if those site widely opened.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Looking Back the Holiday
Well, the long 'wait' is about to end, tomorrow, every student of SMAK IPEKA will be back to their 'lovely dearest' schools.
Tomorrow, schools will start with another flag ceremony, and others. The good thing is, there are some possibilities of school won't start to teach immediately, well, like meet and greet with new teachers and so on.
Before stepping into the hell of school, let's see what usually happened back in every holiday.
1. Insomnia
It happened to almost, every student or people who have long holiday (minimum 3 weeks). This usually happened because they sleep late everyday, and they have nothing to do especially in the afternoon, so they take naps, which lead their eyes wide open at night. To prevent this, make sure you have things to do during day, and sleep less at daytime and sleep early during night.
2. Bored at Home
For those who is unable to manage their time , or even make a plan well, this certainly will happened. People (especially students) are used to do lots of homework, are having jet lag, because usually they have less to do during holiday. To prevent this, make sure you have lots of holiday plan with family or friends, and maximize your friend to do activity!
3. Checkmate Overseas
What does it mean? It similar with the 2nd point, but it happened in other country, meaning you experience it when you're traveling. Is that possible? Of course, especially if you end up 2-3 weeks in small country such as Singapore.
4. Food Viesta!
You eat lots of food, when having breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even when you're doing things such as watching movie (with pop-corns), or reading novel (with chocolate or crackers). That simply able increase one's weight, drastically. To prevent this? I don't think there are any, but to prevent weight from increasing, simply by doing exercise, swimming, playing sports with your friends (it also help you solve problem no.2).
5. Wallet Exploded
This usually happened to a lower mid-class society who make friends with higher mid-class society. The higher mid-class (make it shorter: HMC) society usually spend more money than their friend, the lower mid-class society (LMC), and when they are hanging out, the HMC simply hangs the LMC's budget. For example a LMC hanging out with other LMC, they prefer cheaper lunch (rate: Rp.10k-20k), but a HMC, usually spend about Rp 30-40k (minimum!). So, the LMC's wallet, is potentially explode!
And that's all folks for holiday. And we're facing a brand new begining, another year, another class, another homeworks, another torturement, another hell. Oh man..
By the way, this is the day, when Manchester United used to attend, and having a friendly match with ISL Allstar. And now it's just a dream yet to be true. Thanks to the fucking terrorist. My perfect way to end this holiday simply vanished, along with Friday's Black Smoke.
Tomorrow, schools will start with another flag ceremony, and others. The good thing is, there are some possibilities of school won't start to teach immediately, well, like meet and greet with new teachers and so on.
Before stepping into the hell of school, let's see what usually happened back in every holiday.
1. Insomnia
It happened to almost, every student or people who have long holiday (minimum 3 weeks). This usually happened because they sleep late everyday, and they have nothing to do especially in the afternoon, so they take naps, which lead their eyes wide open at night. To prevent this, make sure you have things to do during day, and sleep less at daytime and sleep early during night.
2. Bored at Home
For those who is unable to manage their time , or even make a plan well, this certainly will happened. People (especially students) are used to do lots of homework, are having jet lag, because usually they have less to do during holiday. To prevent this, make sure you have lots of holiday plan with family or friends, and maximize your friend to do activity!
3. Checkmate Overseas
What does it mean? It similar with the 2nd point, but it happened in other country, meaning you experience it when you're traveling. Is that possible? Of course, especially if you end up 2-3 weeks in small country such as Singapore.
4. Food Viesta!
You eat lots of food, when having breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even when you're doing things such as watching movie (with pop-corns), or reading novel (with chocolate or crackers). That simply able increase one's weight, drastically. To prevent this? I don't think there are any, but to prevent weight from increasing, simply by doing exercise, swimming, playing sports with your friends (it also help you solve problem no.2).
5. Wallet Exploded
This usually happened to a lower mid-class society who make friends with higher mid-class society. The higher mid-class (make it shorter: HMC) society usually spend more money than their friend, the lower mid-class society (LMC), and when they are hanging out, the HMC simply hangs the LMC's budget. For example a LMC hanging out with other LMC, they prefer cheaper lunch (rate: Rp.10k-20k), but a HMC, usually spend about Rp 30-40k (minimum!). So, the LMC's wallet, is potentially explode!
And that's all folks for holiday. And we're facing a brand new begining, another year, another class, another homeworks, another torturement, another hell. Oh man..
By the way, this is the day, when Manchester United used to attend, and having a friendly match with ISL Allstar. And now it's just a dream yet to be true. Thanks to the fucking terrorist. My perfect way to end this holiday simply vanished, along with Friday's Black Smoke.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Potret Buruk Keadaan Indonesia
Bom! Lagi-lagi bom! Puaskah kalian melihat apa yang ditimbulkan? Melihat jeritan kesakitan, tangis, dan juga trauma para korban? Apa yang ada di benak sang pelaku?
Ya, ledakan bom terjadi kembali, pagi ini, pada pagi yang cerah ini! Terjadi di 2 tempat yaitu: hotel JW Marriot dan Ritz Carlton Jakarta. Kedua bom meledak di area restauran masing-masing hotel, dimana di tempat tersebutlah puncak keramaian tamu hotel terdapat pada pagi hari dimana mereka sedang menikmati makan pagi di pagi hari yang cerah ini.
Ledakan pertama terjadi di Ritz-Carlton dan berselang 5 menit, terjadi ledakan kedua di JW Marriot. Tercatat sampai saat ini terdapat sedikitnya 9 korban jiwa dan sekitar 38 korban luka-luka (tercatat sampai pukul 10.30 pagi).
Inilah potret buruk yang selalu menghantui Indonesia. Bom Bali (2 kali), Bom di JW Marriot 6 tahun silam, ternyata belum membuat puas para pihak pengebom. Sekali lagi, apa keuntungan yang mereka dapatkan?
Apakah keamanan patut dipersalahkan atas hal ini? Mungkin saja! Sebab, dari apa yang terlihat beberapa tahun ini, petugas keamanan yang mengecek setiap kendaraan yang masuk ke dalam bangunan hanyalah sebatas formalitas, seringkali mereka mengecek secara asal. Tapi tidak berarti mereka sepatutnya dipersalahkan.
Setidaknya ada beberapa dampak buruk yang secara sukses ditimbulkan dari hasil pengeboman ini:
1. Rupiah akan kembali anjlok, tercatat, paska ledakan pagi hari ini, rupiah telah melemah terhadap US$ sebanyak 75 poin!
2. Pengaruh negatif juga dirasakan oleh bursa efek. Tercatat IHSG langsung turun 1.24%!
Sedangkan kemungkinan yang sangat mungkin terjadi adalah:
1. Rupiah terus melemah yang berdampak amat sangat buruk.
2. Pihak negara lain menerapkan kembali travel warning yang berarti, penurunan kembali pendapatan negara dari sektor pariwisata.
3. Citra Indonesia menjadi semakin jelek di mata dunia
dan kemungkinan yang terburuk....
MANCHESTER UNITED BATAL BERTANDANG KE INDONESIA! So, bagi para pemegang tiket, siap-siap refund, ok?
Damn you bomber. Let's hope that this tragedy, make the government, security, and us, more aware in the future, so that this tragedy won't happen again, AMEN.
PS: info yang ada masih cenderung simpang siur, berhubung masih fresh from oven, jadi ikuti terus perkembangannya dan maaf kalau ada kesalahan dalam informasi.
Source: http://www.kompas.com/
Ya, ledakan bom terjadi kembali, pagi ini, pada pagi yang cerah ini! Terjadi di 2 tempat yaitu: hotel JW Marriot dan Ritz Carlton Jakarta. Kedua bom meledak di area restauran masing-masing hotel, dimana di tempat tersebutlah puncak keramaian tamu hotel terdapat pada pagi hari dimana mereka sedang menikmati makan pagi di pagi hari yang cerah ini.
Ledakan pertama terjadi di Ritz-Carlton dan berselang 5 menit, terjadi ledakan kedua di JW Marriot. Tercatat sampai saat ini terdapat sedikitnya 9 korban jiwa dan sekitar 38 korban luka-luka (tercatat sampai pukul 10.30 pagi).
Inilah potret buruk yang selalu menghantui Indonesia. Bom Bali (2 kali), Bom di JW Marriot 6 tahun silam, ternyata belum membuat puas para pihak pengebom. Sekali lagi, apa keuntungan yang mereka dapatkan?
Apakah keamanan patut dipersalahkan atas hal ini? Mungkin saja! Sebab, dari apa yang terlihat beberapa tahun ini, petugas keamanan yang mengecek setiap kendaraan yang masuk ke dalam bangunan hanyalah sebatas formalitas, seringkali mereka mengecek secara asal. Tapi tidak berarti mereka sepatutnya dipersalahkan.
Setidaknya ada beberapa dampak buruk yang secara sukses ditimbulkan dari hasil pengeboman ini:
1. Rupiah akan kembali anjlok, tercatat, paska ledakan pagi hari ini, rupiah telah melemah terhadap US$ sebanyak 75 poin!
2. Pengaruh negatif juga dirasakan oleh bursa efek. Tercatat IHSG langsung turun 1.24%!
Sedangkan kemungkinan yang sangat mungkin terjadi adalah:
1. Rupiah terus melemah yang berdampak amat sangat buruk.
2. Pihak negara lain menerapkan kembali travel warning yang berarti, penurunan kembali pendapatan negara dari sektor pariwisata.
3. Citra Indonesia menjadi semakin jelek di mata dunia
dan kemungkinan yang terburuk....
MANCHESTER UNITED BATAL BERTANDANG KE INDONESIA! So, bagi para pemegang tiket, siap-siap refund, ok?
Damn you bomber. Let's hope that this tragedy, make the government, security, and us, more aware in the future, so that this tragedy won't happen again, AMEN.
PS: info yang ada masih cenderung simpang siur, berhubung masih fresh from oven, jadi ikuti terus perkembangannya dan maaf kalau ada kesalahan dalam informasi.
Source: http://www.kompas.com/
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Summer Phenomenon
Every summer, there're movie phenomenon, because summer means: blockbuster movie time! No matter how bad a movie was, if it has strong fan base, queue line will always be full. Usually it happens in sequel movies.
Before this year's phenomenon, I found similar things back on 2002, when the first Spiderman released. The cinema or the theater filled with the fans, and that movie last in the cinema for a month (usually a movie last about one or two weeks, if they're lucky, three).
Now, this summer those thing, happened again! Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen successfully attract audience. In one cinema, T:RotF shown in three screens every day and there were no single vacant seat in each screens! And you know what? It last for about 10 days! Usually it last for 3 days or in the opening week.
If you think that's crazy enough, you and I haven't seen something crazier. The sixth installment of Harry Potter, definitely crazier than any movie! The cinema allow us to buy advance ticket, and I went to cinema, and ask if there're any seat available (in regular screen), and for the opening day, no seat available for groups. For the following day, maybe it is as full as the opening day already, and so do the next 3 days. For XXI's Premiere Screen, it almost fully booked till Sunday's last screening.
Crazy? I bet it is for it haven't released yet. Truly, one need a great attempt to watch this movie.
PS: Oh, if anyone wanna know if I have any ticket, yes I did, for 5 person in Premiere Screen.
Before this year's phenomenon, I found similar things back on 2002, when the first Spiderman released. The cinema or the theater filled with the fans, and that movie last in the cinema for a month (usually a movie last about one or two weeks, if they're lucky, three).
Now, this summer those thing, happened again! Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen successfully attract audience. In one cinema, T:RotF shown in three screens every day and there were no single vacant seat in each screens! And you know what? It last for about 10 days! Usually it last for 3 days or in the opening week.
If you think that's crazy enough, you and I haven't seen something crazier. The sixth installment of Harry Potter, definitely crazier than any movie! The cinema allow us to buy advance ticket, and I went to cinema, and ask if there're any seat available (in regular screen), and for the opening day, no seat available for groups. For the following day, maybe it is as full as the opening day already, and so do the next 3 days. For XXI's Premiere Screen, it almost fully booked till Sunday's last screening.
Crazy? I bet it is for it haven't released yet. Truly, one need a great attempt to watch this movie.
PS: Oh, if anyone wanna know if I have any ticket, yes I did, for 5 person in Premiere Screen.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Quick Movie Update
Yeah, just a quick movie update, well, one of the most anticipated movie of the year: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!
Currently it hold 96% Fresh Rating in Rotten Tomatoes, with 100% rating int top critics!
Check out Roger Ebert's quotation:
"I admired this Harry Potter. It opens and closes well, and has wondrous art design and cinematography as always, only more so."

But the average rating only 7.5/10 (Roger Ebert gave 3/4).
We'll see what it will be, this week. Catch it in the closest cinema!
There are possibilities it will be as crowd or even more crowd than Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen. So, those who want to watch it, better buy advance ticket (if available).
Currently it hold 96% Fresh Rating in Rotten Tomatoes, with 100% rating int top critics!
Check out Roger Ebert's quotation:
"I admired this Harry Potter. It opens and closes well, and has wondrous art design and cinematography as always, only more so."
But the average rating only 7.5/10 (Roger Ebert gave 3/4).
We'll see what it will be, this week. Catch it in the closest cinema!
There are possibilities it will be as crowd or even more crowd than Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen. So, those who want to watch it, better buy advance ticket (if available).
Monday, July 13, 2009
New Class
New class now. Still number 2 though. Well, I just feel strange about it, I'm not pleased nor upset.
Well, still, I hope it's going to be fun.
To bad is, I'm not with Marv again, well, if he's with me, he would do something crazy yet funny.
After all, I still in the same class with (some of people that can be considered as) my friends.
The list? Write their initial only.
STW, HY, DH, VJ, SL, LB, and some other futsal fellow.
Fun, I bet it is. Joyful? Hope so.
Well, still, I hope it's going to be fun.
To bad is, I'm not with Marv again, well, if he's with me, he would do something crazy yet funny.
After all, I still in the same class with (some of people that can be considered as) my friends.
The list? Write their initial only.
STW, HY, DH, VJ, SL, LB, and some other futsal fellow.
Fun, I bet it is. Joyful? Hope so.
Football Fashion - England/Barclay Premiere League
It's a new season, there're bunch of new players, and new shirts as well. New shirts means new income!
Well, football shirt or jersey some say, can be considered as fashion too because it changes as the season changes (usually).
Now, we're going to start in England, home of football. How's the field fashion there? Here's some snapshot of the latest (09/10 season) shirt from some club.
First, shirt of last season's champion. They make a great difference with V mark on the chest. Look like Rugby shirt eh?
Left-Right: Away - Home
Better Than Before?
Last but not least, last season's 5th place, Aston Villa. As simple as usual. Remember, it's Nike's. But still, it's better than last season's. And, they replace the sponsor with the new one.
Well, football shirt or jersey some say, can be considered as fashion too because it changes as the season changes (usually).
Now, we're going to start in England, home of football. How's the field fashion there? Here's some snapshot of the latest (09/10 season) shirt from some club.
First, shirt of last season's champion. They make a great difference with V mark on the chest. Look like Rugby shirt eh?

Next, is United's hometown rival, Manchester City. With new sponsor, they seems not make any difference at all! Just A simple one, with bright blue color. Take a look at their white shirt. Look like River Plate's a lot!
Then, we'll move to London, to see what Arsenal, Chelsea and West Ham and also Tottenham Hotspurs new shirt look like.
Here's Arsenal's new 3rd kit. They might use the old 08/09 shirt as their home kit. Frankly, I really love Arsenal's 08/09 home kit. Unfortunately, I'm not an Arsenal Fans.
As simple as usual, Arsenal's 3rd kit.
Then, we'll move to London, to see what Arsenal, Chelsea and West Ham and also Tottenham Hotspurs new shirt look like.
Here's Arsenal's new 3rd kit. They might use the old 08/09 shirt as their home kit. Frankly, I really love Arsenal's 08/09 home kit. Unfortunately, I'm not an Arsenal Fans.

Chelsea. As blue as always, but with a brand new style of shirt, produced by Adidas. Prefer 07/08's home shirt though. Take a look at it.
Then, about other Londoners. West Ham United shirt's so 90s! Remind me a lot of United's shirt back in 1990. And Spurs did not make lot of difference on their shirt, but, the yellow strip over the white home kit simply needless, but it matched with the 3rd kit. There's some change in their sponsor, WHU changed their shirt sponsor while Spurs add some more writing on their sponsor logo.
Away we visit home of the Beatles, Merseyside, Liverpool. Curious about 5 times Champions League new outfit? Well, it seems that they won't change their home kit, instead they introduce an classy black away kit.
How about their hometown fierce rival? They introduce something better than they have before. A brand new home shirt, which is a nice one, though the white-V-shape on the neck quite not good.
Then, about other Londoners. West Ham United shirt's so 90s! Remind me a lot of United's shirt back in 1990. And Spurs did not make lot of difference on their shirt, but, the yellow strip over the white home kit simply needless, but it matched with the 3rd kit. There's some change in their sponsor, WHU changed their shirt sponsor while Spurs add some more writing on their sponsor logo.
Away we visit home of the Beatles, Merseyside, Liverpool. Curious about 5 times Champions League new outfit? Well, it seems that they won't change their home kit, instead they introduce an classy black away kit.
How about their hometown fierce rival? They introduce something better than they have before. A brand new home shirt, which is a nice one, though the white-V-shape on the neck quite not good.
Last but not least, last season's 5th place, Aston Villa. As simple as usual. Remember, it's Nike's. But still, it's better than last season's. And, they replace the sponsor with the new one.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Movie's Released date in Indonesia
Expecting? Not baby okay? Well, how about latest installment of Harry Potter? Up? Or Bale and Depp's latest movie, Public Enemies? I tell you, it is going to be released this month in Indonesia.
Here's the release date:

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Directed by: David Yates
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Helena Bonham-Carter, Alan Rickman
Indonesian Release Date: July 16
Public Enemies
Directed by: Michael Mann
Starring: Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Marion Cotillard
Indonesian Release Date: July 22
Directed by: Pete Docter, Bob Peterson
Starring Voices Of: Edward Asner, Christopper Plumer
Indonesian Release Date: July 29
Sorry can't upload the video from youtube, I don't know why.
And it's slated for 13th of August or 17th of August. Based on the trailer, it's really promising! Both the effect and the cinematography. It's too early to judge, but it's okay to give 'Merah Putih' high expectation. "MERDEKA!"
Those release date still tentative, distributors are the one who set the date.
Source: www.blitzmegaplex.com
Here's the release date:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Directed by: David Yates
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Helena Bonham-Carter, Alan Rickman
Indonesian Release Date: July 16
Directed by: Michael Mann
Starring: Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Marion Cotillard
Indonesian Release Date: July 22
Directed by: Pete Docter, Bob Peterson
Starring Voices Of: Edward Asner, Christopper Plumer
Indonesian Release Date: July 29
Oh, I finally saw Merah Putih's trailer for the first time. Thanks to Debby who told me.
Here is the link:
Here is the link:
Sorry can't upload the video from youtube, I don't know why.
And it's slated for 13th of August or 17th of August. Based on the trailer, it's really promising! Both the effect and the cinematography. It's too early to judge, but it's okay to give 'Merah Putih' high expectation. "MERDEKA!"
Those release date still tentative, distributors are the one who set the date.
Source: www.blitzmegaplex.com
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Wage Crisis in Indonesian Football
Look at the Barclay Premier League in England, considered as the richest of all league. Look at Liga BBVA at Spain, three best player of the world including £80million Cristiano Ronaldo. And look at V-League club, Xi Măng Hải Phòng FC who is able to sign Denilson, former most expensive football player. What about ISL? Indonesian League?
Quite pathetic as I said. Most of Indonesian league club has financial and structural problem. For example in structural, most of the club in Indonesia have to travel by bus instead of using plane. It cost them stamina and performance in field.
Then, what recently happened in Indonesian Football is the player's wage status.
What's wrong with it? It seems that the clubs have problem paying player's wage to them. It's not sure whether it's the effect of global economic crisis or simply mis-management from the management. By the way, this crisis is everywhere, meaning, not only minor club suffer from this problem but also the big one. Persija Jakarta, one of the richest football club who has high quality prize also suffered from wage problem.Player's haven't got their 3months wage (as far as I know) untill now. The result of that, players played just because they have schedulle to play, they played for passion no more by the end of competition.
That's just one example. Most of the player who haven't got their wage have to stay in their club camp which usually in poor condition. Most of Indonesian player live in poverty nowadays because the club haven't paid them. Some even doesn't have money to buy their daily needs and they require help from other fellow players.
Why this problem even exist? As I said before, Global Economic Crisis might take parts of it. Another guess, corruption? Who knows. But, lack of managerial could be the main problem. This problem should be solved.
We can see minor foreign club still able to pay their player even in this dark economic time. What the club should do nowadays, probably they have to go public. Let public companies run them, because they might have more fund to spend for clubs. Unlike this time, when local government run the club. So, when fund from local government stucked, they merely have solution to resolve it.
Well, hope Indonesian football able to solve this problem. We need to, in order to create a competitive competition.
Plus, we have to: PROUD TO BE INDONESIAN.
Quite pathetic as I said. Most of Indonesian league club has financial and structural problem. For example in structural, most of the club in Indonesia have to travel by bus instead of using plane. It cost them stamina and performance in field.
Then, what recently happened in Indonesian Football is the player's wage status.
What's wrong with it? It seems that the clubs have problem paying player's wage to them. It's not sure whether it's the effect of global economic crisis or simply mis-management from the management. By the way, this crisis is everywhere, meaning, not only minor club suffer from this problem but also the big one. Persija Jakarta, one of the richest football club who has high quality prize also suffered from wage problem.Player's haven't got their 3months wage (as far as I know) untill now. The result of that, players played just because they have schedulle to play, they played for passion no more by the end of competition.
That's just one example. Most of the player who haven't got their wage have to stay in their club camp which usually in poor condition. Most of Indonesian player live in poverty nowadays because the club haven't paid them. Some even doesn't have money to buy their daily needs and they require help from other fellow players.
Why this problem even exist? As I said before, Global Economic Crisis might take parts of it. Another guess, corruption? Who knows. But, lack of managerial could be the main problem. This problem should be solved.
We can see minor foreign club still able to pay their player even in this dark economic time. What the club should do nowadays, probably they have to go public. Let public companies run them, because they might have more fund to spend for clubs. Unlike this time, when local government run the club. So, when fund from local government stucked, they merely have solution to resolve it.
Well, hope Indonesian football able to solve this problem. We need to, in order to create a competitive competition.
Plus, we have to: PROUD TO BE INDONESIAN.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Indonesia: (One of the) Home Of Piracy
Indonesia! My lovely yet prettyfull country, but filled with plagiarism, pirated things, and corruption. In this post, let's talk about pirated things, that sometimes irritated me.
Well-well, Indonesia, for some international tourist, is heaven for they're able to buy pirated DVD with small price (compare it: 5k to minimum 79k). Or they're able to buy some fake bag (fake LV and so on).
One of the most famous pirated or fake things in Indonesia, beside of those pirated CD/DVD is fake Jersey. What is jersey? In this case, jersey is a shirt that's used for playing sport for example football, basketball and so on.
And, today, I found something funny. In Mangga Dua, one of Jakarta's Shopping 'Heaven', I saw something that tickled me. I saw a fake, and cheap Manchester United's jersey. Feeling usual? I tell you, it's the unreleased United's 09/10's home shirt! Godemit! Crazy isn't it? The official jersey is yet to be released! It's will be released on 16th of July. Oh, if one desperately want to have this new jersey, he/she can pre-order it from Red Shop.
I said: Wow! Indonesia surely fast enough! They even have post any back in Manchester, yet.
Another thing. This one talking about pirated DVD. Anyone know about a movie titled 2012? If don't please visit imdb.com for more info. Anyway, several days ago, I went to Glodok, this place is another 'heaven' for those who seek movies and softwares or games in cheap price, and I saw in one of the pirated DVD store, there's a movie titled 2012! I wonder what it would be. For your info, 2012 will be released on the 4th of November. Cool is it not? The question is, which 2102 movie is it?
So, to kick piracy out of Indonesia (I know this is hard, but we should try), please buy the official Jersey, or buy fake but real jersey (maybe you can find it in Kaskus). If you can't afford the official DVD/CD, simply rent it or borrow the real one from friends of yours!
Indonesia? Cheers! Peace! Smile!
Well-well, Indonesia, for some international tourist, is heaven for they're able to buy pirated DVD with small price (compare it: 5k to minimum 79k). Or they're able to buy some fake bag (fake LV and so on).
One of the most famous pirated or fake things in Indonesia, beside of those pirated CD/DVD is fake Jersey. What is jersey? In this case, jersey is a shirt that's used for playing sport for example football, basketball and so on.
And, today, I found something funny. In Mangga Dua, one of Jakarta's Shopping 'Heaven', I saw something that tickled me. I saw a fake, and cheap Manchester United's jersey. Feeling usual? I tell you, it's the unreleased United's 09/10's home shirt! Godemit! Crazy isn't it? The official jersey is yet to be released! It's will be released on 16th of July. Oh, if one desperately want to have this new jersey, he/she can pre-order it from Red Shop.
I said: Wow! Indonesia surely fast enough! They even have post any back in Manchester, yet.
Another thing. This one talking about pirated DVD. Anyone know about a movie titled 2012? If don't please visit imdb.com for more info. Anyway, several days ago, I went to Glodok, this place is another 'heaven' for those who seek movies and softwares or games in cheap price, and I saw in one of the pirated DVD store, there's a movie titled 2012! I wonder what it would be. For your info, 2012 will be released on the 4th of November. Cool is it not? The question is, which 2102 movie is it?
So, to kick piracy out of Indonesia (I know this is hard, but we should try), please buy the official Jersey, or buy fake but real jersey (maybe you can find it in Kaskus). If you can't afford the official DVD/CD, simply rent it or borrow the real one from friends of yours!
Indonesia? Cheers! Peace! Smile!
National Election
Well, this post should be posted yesterday, but, because of a thing or two, I could not do it. But, here I am, doing this late post. Right, everybody know the result? Currently Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in the pole position based on the quick count.
Anyway, wanna know how the election run yesterday? Here's some pictures based on my TPS.
Well, so far, the election is good, without any riot, yet, hopefully there won't be any! So, everyone, almost everyone had used their right well, although some did not. But whoever win this election, let's hope they're the one who'll lead this country to the edge of prosperity not to the edge of 'annihilation'. God Bless Indonesia!
Sorry, this time full of pictures.
Sorry, this time full of pictures.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tomorrow: National Election
Alright, it's been 3 months since the legislative election, and tomorrow will be presidential election. This is going to be a short post about the upcoming national election.
For those who are able to vote, please use it well. Your vote will determine the path of this country. For those who are illegible, like me, please support the election. Well, I'll take some pictures from tomorrow's election and I'll post something about tomorrow's election.
Wish all the President Nominee good luck and the best for them. Hope for a fair and save election for tomorrow.
Love, Luck, and Like!
For those who are able to vote, please use it well. Your vote will determine the path of this country. For those who are illegible, like me, please support the election. Well, I'll take some pictures from tomorrow's election and I'll post something about tomorrow's election.
Wish all the President Nominee good luck and the best for them. Hope for a fair and save election for tomorrow.
Love, Luck, and Like!
Film Merah Putih: Kebangkitan Film Nasional?
Selama ini, film-film produksi Indonesia tidak jauh dari kisah percintaan kawula muda (AADC, dll dsb, dst), horor (lengkap dengan pocong+kuntilanaknya yang tiada berakhir), serta komedi seks. Hal ini cukup disayangkan, padahal Indonesia punya berbagai hal yang dapat difilmkan, terlepas dari tiga genre yang disebutkan di atas. Memang ada film yang bercerita tentang pendidikan dan budaya contohnya Denias dan Laskar Pelangi, namun film bertema nasionalisme sudah tidak pernah terdengar gaungnya.
Coba tengok industri film Hollywood yang mencakup berbagai jenis film, mereka tidak lupa menyertakan sejarah ke dalam film mereka! Mau contoh? Film yang bercerita atau berlatar sejarah dan perjuangan Amerika di masa lampau tidak terhitung! Nama-nama terkenal antara lain adalah Thin Red Line, Saving Private Ryan, Deer Hunter, bahkan yang baru-baru ini The Hurt Locker yang menceritakan tentang perang Irak.
Memang, sekitar dua dekade yang lalu film-film yang bertemakan perjuangan masih marak, namun, dewasa ini, kemanakah film bertema Nasional? Apakah rasa nasionalisme itu sudah hilang ditelan perkembangan jaman?
Mungkin hal nasionalisme itulah yang coba diangkat oleh salah satu penata gambar terbaik Indonesia, Yadi Sugandi serta produser Hasyim Djojohadikusumo lewat trilogi film kemerdekaan. Film pertama dari trilogi ini berjudul Merah Putih dan rencananya akan dirilis tepat pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2009.
Berikut adalah ditel dari film Merah Putih.
Judul: Merah Putih
Rilis: 17 Agustus 2009
Budget: 6 Juta US$ (Rp 60 Milliar)
Produser: Hasyim Djojohadikusumo
Sutradara: Yadi Sugandi (Penata Gambar Laskar Pelangi, Under The Tree, Tiga Hari Untuk Selamanya, dan The Photograph)
Asisten Sutradara: Mark Knight (December Boys, Beautiful)
Pemeran: Darius Sinarthya (Love,dll), Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Lukman Sardi (Laskar Pelangi, 9Naga, Gie), Doni Alamsyah, Zumi Zola, Atiqah Hasiholan, Saraswati.
Skenario: Connor dan Rob Allyn
Koordinator efek khusus: Adam Howarth (Saving Private Ryan, Blackhawk Down)
Koordinator pemeran pengganti (stunt): Rocky McDonald (Mission Impossible II, The Quiet American)
Make-up dan visual effects: Rob Trenton (The Dark Knight)
Konsultan ahli persenjataan: John Bowring (Crocodile Dundee II, The Matrix, The Thin Red Line, Australia, X-Men Origins:Wolverine)
Menurut kabar yang beredar, pembuatan film ini memakan waktu selama 3 bulan dan berlokasi di Jawa Tengah. Bahkan ada sumber yang mengatakan bahwa aktor yang bermain dalam film ini mendapat bimbingan langsung dari pihak militer!
Melihat jajaran staff dan aktor aktris yang bermain dalam film ini, seharusnya hasil yang baik didapatkan. Sudah seharusnya para ahli visual effect itu menampilkan hasil terbaik dan tidak menampilkan efek ala sinetron dan FTV yang memalukan itu baik dari ledakan, setting, maupun make up diharapkan tidak mengecewakan. Sekarang kita hanya bisa berharap nama besar Hollywood itu bukan hanya sekadar nama, namun mampu mengembangkan industri film dalam negeri dari kemonotonan. Jangan sampai biaya 60 Miliar yang dikeluarkan tersebut tidak terbuang percuma dan saya berharap penuh bahwa film itu merupakan salah satu sinyal nasionalisme dalam dunia perfilman dalam negeri.
Majulah Indonesia!
Coba tengok industri film Hollywood yang mencakup berbagai jenis film, mereka tidak lupa menyertakan sejarah ke dalam film mereka! Mau contoh? Film yang bercerita atau berlatar sejarah dan perjuangan Amerika di masa lampau tidak terhitung! Nama-nama terkenal antara lain adalah Thin Red Line, Saving Private Ryan, Deer Hunter, bahkan yang baru-baru ini The Hurt Locker yang menceritakan tentang perang Irak.
Memang, sekitar dua dekade yang lalu film-film yang bertemakan perjuangan masih marak, namun, dewasa ini, kemanakah film bertema Nasional? Apakah rasa nasionalisme itu sudah hilang ditelan perkembangan jaman?
Mungkin hal nasionalisme itulah yang coba diangkat oleh salah satu penata gambar terbaik Indonesia, Yadi Sugandi serta produser Hasyim Djojohadikusumo lewat trilogi film kemerdekaan. Film pertama dari trilogi ini berjudul Merah Putih dan rencananya akan dirilis tepat pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2009.
Berikut adalah ditel dari film Merah Putih.
Judul: Merah Putih
Rilis: 17 Agustus 2009
Budget: 6 Juta US$ (Rp 60 Milliar)
Produser: Hasyim Djojohadikusumo
Sutradara: Yadi Sugandi (Penata Gambar Laskar Pelangi, Under The Tree, Tiga Hari Untuk Selamanya, dan The Photograph)
Asisten Sutradara: Mark Knight (December Boys, Beautiful)
Pemeran: Darius Sinarthya (Love,dll), Teuku Rifnu Wikana, Lukman Sardi (Laskar Pelangi, 9Naga, Gie), Doni Alamsyah, Zumi Zola, Atiqah Hasiholan, Saraswati.
Skenario: Connor dan Rob Allyn
Koordinator efek khusus: Adam Howarth (Saving Private Ryan, Blackhawk Down)
Koordinator pemeran pengganti (stunt): Rocky McDonald (Mission Impossible II, The Quiet American)
Make-up dan visual effects: Rob Trenton (The Dark Knight)
Konsultan ahli persenjataan: John Bowring (Crocodile Dundee II, The Matrix, The Thin Red Line, Australia, X-Men Origins:Wolverine)
Menurut kabar yang beredar, pembuatan film ini memakan waktu selama 3 bulan dan berlokasi di Jawa Tengah. Bahkan ada sumber yang mengatakan bahwa aktor yang bermain dalam film ini mendapat bimbingan langsung dari pihak militer!
Melihat jajaran staff dan aktor aktris yang bermain dalam film ini, seharusnya hasil yang baik didapatkan. Sudah seharusnya para ahli visual effect itu menampilkan hasil terbaik dan tidak menampilkan efek ala sinetron dan FTV yang memalukan itu baik dari ledakan, setting, maupun make up diharapkan tidak mengecewakan. Sekarang kita hanya bisa berharap nama besar Hollywood itu bukan hanya sekadar nama, namun mampu mengembangkan industri film dalam negeri dari kemonotonan. Jangan sampai biaya 60 Miliar yang dikeluarkan tersebut tidak terbuang percuma dan saya berharap penuh bahwa film itu merupakan salah satu sinyal nasionalisme dalam dunia perfilman dalam negeri.
Majulah Indonesia!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Camping OMK Area 1 & 2
Untuk kesekian kalinya, dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Well, ini bukan pertama kalinya gw mengikuti acara mudika atau OMK (Orang Muda Katolik), tapi yang kali ini punya kesan tersendiri.
Why? karena acara ini, yang baru gw ikuti dalam 3 hari terakhir sangatlah mengasyikan dan macam-macam!
What? Acaranya apa? Acaranya adalah "Summer Camp" yang diadakan di Batu Tapak Camping Ground di Cidahu, Sukabumi. Benar-benar dekat dengan alam!
What's inside? Ngapain saja? Melakukan banyak hal! Antara lain hiking, basah-basahan,misa alam, dll, dsb, dst.
The Story?
Here's the story.
Day One - Yang pertama, kita berangkat sekitar pukul 5.00 pagi dari halaman gereja St.Matias Rasul Kosambi (kepagian?), dan hebatnya kita tidak naik bus, melainkan truk TNI (hell yeah, Truk TNI!). Mau tahu rasanya naik truk TNI? Jangan sekali-kali duduk di bagian paling depan dari containernya! Dinginnya luar biasa! Beberapa jam kemudian sampai, dan sudah diajak mendaki gunung, ke tempat perkemahan, dan toiletnya? Kira-kira 100-300 meter dari tempat perkemahan, menurun dan jalan yang melewati berbagai cobaan (maaf, lebay). Acaranya sih, seru ya, ada game per kelompok dll dsb. Kenal dengan sebagian besar dari peserta lelaki dari acara ini, mereka gila juga! oh, malam-malam? Dinginnnya luar biasa.
Day Two - Bangun pagi-pagi buta, SKJ geblek dilaksanakan, dilanjutkan dengan sarapan. Lalu, hiking! Melihat air terjun di daerah ini, dan, ok, kita semua basah. Siangnya Rm.Didit, romo paroki kami datang, dan betapa terkejutnya aku, dia membawa ransel besar yang isinya kamera Canon EOS D50, lengkap dengan lensa 17-85mm dan 70-200mmnya (2-2nya sudah ada IS!). Harga barang bawaannya tersebut? Kira-kira Rp 35,000,000.00! Dan dia sudah lihai memotret dalam mode M (manual). Malamnya, berbagai acara, terutama game malam hari. Ini baru seru. Dilanjutkan dengan api unggun yang cukup menghangatkan.

EOS 50D, oh ya, lengkap dengan 2 lensa, monopod,blitz external, dan hand grips!
Well, ini bukan pertama kalinya gw mengikuti acara mudika atau OMK (Orang Muda Katolik), tapi yang kali ini punya kesan tersendiri.
Why? karena acara ini, yang baru gw ikuti dalam 3 hari terakhir sangatlah mengasyikan dan macam-macam!
What? Acaranya apa? Acaranya adalah "Summer Camp" yang diadakan di Batu Tapak Camping Ground di Cidahu, Sukabumi. Benar-benar dekat dengan alam!
What's inside? Ngapain saja? Melakukan banyak hal! Antara lain hiking, basah-basahan,misa alam, dll, dsb, dst.
The Story?
Here's the story.
Day One - Yang pertama, kita berangkat sekitar pukul 5.00 pagi dari halaman gereja St.Matias Rasul Kosambi (kepagian?), dan hebatnya kita tidak naik bus, melainkan truk TNI (hell yeah, Truk TNI!). Mau tahu rasanya naik truk TNI? Jangan sekali-kali duduk di bagian paling depan dari containernya! Dinginnya luar biasa! Beberapa jam kemudian sampai, dan sudah diajak mendaki gunung, ke tempat perkemahan, dan toiletnya? Kira-kira 100-300 meter dari tempat perkemahan, menurun dan jalan yang melewati berbagai cobaan (maaf, lebay). Acaranya sih, seru ya, ada game per kelompok dll dsb. Kenal dengan sebagian besar dari peserta lelaki dari acara ini, mereka gila juga! oh, malam-malam? Dinginnnya luar biasa.
Day Two - Bangun pagi-pagi buta, SKJ geblek dilaksanakan, dilanjutkan dengan sarapan. Lalu, hiking! Melihat air terjun di daerah ini, dan, ok, kita semua basah. Siangnya Rm.Didit, romo paroki kami datang, dan betapa terkejutnya aku, dia membawa ransel besar yang isinya kamera Canon EOS D50, lengkap dengan lensa 17-85mm dan 70-200mmnya (2-2nya sudah ada IS!). Harga barang bawaannya tersebut? Kira-kira Rp 35,000,000.00! Dan dia sudah lihai memotret dalam mode M (manual). Malamnya, berbagai acara, terutama game malam hari. Ini baru seru. Dilanjutkan dengan api unggun yang cukup menghangatkan.
EOS 50D, oh ya, lengkap dengan 2 lensa, monopod,blitz external, dan hand grips!
Gara-gara ini, jadi sering pegang-pegang dan coba-coba. Sampai-sampai seorang teman berkata, "Do, lw udah kayak ketemu emas!"
Oh, air terjunnya bagus loh! Benar-benar spot yang bagus, entah buat hiking, outbond, camping, maupun hunting foto. Pacaran juga boleh....di tengah hutan sih..
Day 3 - Nah, aktivitas dimulai pukul 12.00 pagi, intinya gw setengah bergadang, begitupula panitia acara. Alhasil? Banyak di antara mereka yang tepar. Gw juga tidur hanya sebentar. Acara hari ini biasa saja, hanya evaluasi, dan Misa alam, oh well, gw harus jadi lektor (pembaca kitab suci di depan umat) dadakan. Lanjut dengan foto-foto narsis bin girang. Dan, hampir sebagian besar peserta sudah cukup gw kenal. Pulang naik truk lagi.
By the way, di sini gw ketemu 1 ekor cewek, yang bisa dibilang masih bocah (masih SMP sih). Dan dia, ganas luar biasa! Sampai-sampai dalam hati berkata, "wow,dia mah tinggal dikasih tanduk dan ekor, jadi iblis deh!", hehe. Yang jelas, dari acara ini, gw jadi mengenal mudika wilayah sendiri yang tadi nya I-care-not banget. Nampaknya, mulai sekarang, kalau ada acara-acara mudika, ikutan ah.
Peace, Cheers, and Smile! xD
Foto bisa menyusul.
Day 3 - Nah, aktivitas dimulai pukul 12.00 pagi, intinya gw setengah bergadang, begitupula panitia acara. Alhasil? Banyak di antara mereka yang tepar. Gw juga tidur hanya sebentar. Acara hari ini biasa saja, hanya evaluasi, dan Misa alam, oh well, gw harus jadi lektor (pembaca kitab suci di depan umat) dadakan. Lanjut dengan foto-foto narsis bin girang. Dan, hampir sebagian besar peserta sudah cukup gw kenal. Pulang naik truk lagi.
By the way, di sini gw ketemu 1 ekor cewek, yang bisa dibilang masih bocah (masih SMP sih). Dan dia, ganas luar biasa! Sampai-sampai dalam hati berkata, "wow,dia mah tinggal dikasih tanduk dan ekor, jadi iblis deh!", hehe. Yang jelas, dari acara ini, gw jadi mengenal mudika wilayah sendiri yang tadi nya I-care-not banget. Nampaknya, mulai sekarang, kalau ada acara-acara mudika, ikutan ah.
Peace, Cheers, and Smile! xD
Foto bisa menyusul.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
SK again, the "Hot Spot"
Alright, back to SK. Well, now about the hot spot of South Korea. Well, the next will be in Indonesian.
Dari sekian tempat yang ada di bawah ini, sebagian besar telah kukunjungi, dan beberapa yang lain berasal dari sumber yang cukup, meyakinkan.
Ok, inilah list 5 hot spot yang OK di South Korea. Disusun secara descending.
5. Everland.
Everland adalah sebuah taman bermain, yang cukup besar dan cukup bagus. Secara overall, permainannya cukup bagus, dan beberapa atraksi yang harus didatangi adalah Zoo-Topia. Di Zoo-Topia tersebut terdapat Liger yang hanya ada beberapa jumlahnya di dunia, serta hewan-hewan buas nan lucu. Lalu ada atraksi 4D yang bagus untuk anak-anak, serta beberapa tempat foto-foto yang bagus seperti Rose Garden dan Insect Garden. Oh, yang harus dinaiki: JET COASTERnya! Itu mantap!
4. Deongseon, Daegu
Daegu itu naman provinsinya. Deongseon itu, istilahnya kalau di Jakarta itu sama dengan Pasar Barunya, bedanya Deongseon jauh lebih branded, bersih, rapi dan mahal. Barang-barangnya sih tidak 100% fresh new karena sumber dari barang-barangnya dari Seoul. Ok, isinya butik-butik, dari Adidas, Nike, Giordano, dll. Banyak orang muda yang datang ke sini, entah sepulang kerja atau sepulang sekolah dan itu membuat Deongseon sebagai tempat yang tepat untuk "cuci mata", bukan untuk belanja. So, it can be considered as the hot spot!
3. Cheongsam-dong
Ini, bisa dibilang fashion dan art streetnya Korea Selatan, dan tempat ini terletak di Seoul. Isinya? Berbagai macam galeri dan butik dari merk-merk ternama dunia (Chanel, Louis Vutton, Gucci, dll, dsb, dst) dan berbagai macam restoran fusion. Konon harga barang-barang yang ada di sini sangat mahal, sekitar 3-4 X lipat harga pasaran biasa. Kenapa ini Hot-spot? Karena, di sinilah tempat dengan kemungkinan terbesar untuk bertemu artis Korea.
2. Myeongdong.
Hampir sama dengan Deongseon, bedanya, ini terletak di Seoul dan gengsinya lebih besar. Isinya hampir sama terdapat berbagai toko bertaraf internasional seperti Adidas, Nike, Giordano, The Face Shop, dan sebagainya. Terdapat pula 4 Department Store besar yang salah satu diantaranya berisikan produk-produk kelas atas (ok, Gucci, LV, Prada, etc.). Oh, di bawah daerah ini, di penyeberangan bawah tanahnya terdapat berbagai macam toko. Bagi yang berminat dalam hal filateli (kolektor perangko) dan numismatist atau kolektor koin dapat mengunjungi toko di bawah ini. Di beberapa toko menjual souvenir koin atau perangko dari berbagai even yang dihelat di Korea, contohnya World Cup 2002. Selain itu, banyak "pemandangan" yang menyegarkan mata di sini dan membuat tempat ini menjadi tempat hot-spot yang amat sangat baik (bagi mata, tidak bagi dompet).
1. Nami Island.
Nami Island terkenal setelah menjadi lokasi syuting dari film drama korea, Winter Sonata. Perlu diakui tempat ini amat sangatlah bagus untuk berbagai hal , antara lain: pacaran, berolahraga, rekreasi keluarga, dan juga hunting foto. Nami Island juga merupakan tempat dimana UNICEF mengadakan berbagai kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan kegiatannya. Ini adalah hot spot terbaik dalam berbagai hal seperti fotografi karena banyaknya objek yang bagus di sini, maupun cewek-cewek yang cakep nan menyegarkan.
Well, itulah tempat-tempat yang cukup menarik, yang imbang, baik untuk kaum wanita dan kaum lelaki. Sebagai catatan, untuk para wanita, barang-barang bermerk seperti Channel, dll, dsb, dst dapat didapati dengan harga yang lebih murah di Seoul dibandingkan dengan tempat-tempat lain di dunia, sedangkan untuk para pria, wanita muda Korea, sangat menyegarkan mata...xp
Dari sekian tempat yang ada di bawah ini, sebagian besar telah kukunjungi, dan beberapa yang lain berasal dari sumber yang cukup, meyakinkan.
Ok, inilah list 5 hot spot yang OK di South Korea. Disusun secara descending.
5. Everland.
Everland adalah sebuah taman bermain, yang cukup besar dan cukup bagus. Secara overall, permainannya cukup bagus, dan beberapa atraksi yang harus didatangi adalah Zoo-Topia. Di Zoo-Topia tersebut terdapat Liger yang hanya ada beberapa jumlahnya di dunia, serta hewan-hewan buas nan lucu. Lalu ada atraksi 4D yang bagus untuk anak-anak, serta beberapa tempat foto-foto yang bagus seperti Rose Garden dan Insect Garden. Oh, yang harus dinaiki: JET COASTERnya! Itu mantap!
4. Deongseon, Daegu
Daegu itu naman provinsinya. Deongseon itu, istilahnya kalau di Jakarta itu sama dengan Pasar Barunya, bedanya Deongseon jauh lebih branded, bersih, rapi dan mahal. Barang-barangnya sih tidak 100% fresh new karena sumber dari barang-barangnya dari Seoul. Ok, isinya butik-butik, dari Adidas, Nike, Giordano, dll. Banyak orang muda yang datang ke sini, entah sepulang kerja atau sepulang sekolah dan itu membuat Deongseon sebagai tempat yang tepat untuk "cuci mata", bukan untuk belanja. So, it can be considered as the hot spot!
3. Cheongsam-dong
Ini, bisa dibilang fashion dan art streetnya Korea Selatan, dan tempat ini terletak di Seoul. Isinya? Berbagai macam galeri dan butik dari merk-merk ternama dunia (Chanel, Louis Vutton, Gucci, dll, dsb, dst) dan berbagai macam restoran fusion. Konon harga barang-barang yang ada di sini sangat mahal, sekitar 3-4 X lipat harga pasaran biasa. Kenapa ini Hot-spot? Karena, di sinilah tempat dengan kemungkinan terbesar untuk bertemu artis Korea.
2. Myeongdong.
Hampir sama dengan Deongseon, bedanya, ini terletak di Seoul dan gengsinya lebih besar. Isinya hampir sama terdapat berbagai toko bertaraf internasional seperti Adidas, Nike, Giordano, The Face Shop, dan sebagainya. Terdapat pula 4 Department Store besar yang salah satu diantaranya berisikan produk-produk kelas atas (ok, Gucci, LV, Prada, etc.). Oh, di bawah daerah ini, di penyeberangan bawah tanahnya terdapat berbagai macam toko. Bagi yang berminat dalam hal filateli (kolektor perangko) dan numismatist atau kolektor koin dapat mengunjungi toko di bawah ini. Di beberapa toko menjual souvenir koin atau perangko dari berbagai even yang dihelat di Korea, contohnya World Cup 2002. Selain itu, banyak "pemandangan" yang menyegarkan mata di sini dan membuat tempat ini menjadi tempat hot-spot yang amat sangat baik (bagi mata, tidak bagi dompet).
1. Nami Island.
Nami Island terkenal setelah menjadi lokasi syuting dari film drama korea, Winter Sonata. Perlu diakui tempat ini amat sangatlah bagus untuk berbagai hal , antara lain: pacaran, berolahraga, rekreasi keluarga, dan juga hunting foto. Nami Island juga merupakan tempat dimana UNICEF mengadakan berbagai kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan kegiatannya. Ini adalah hot spot terbaik dalam berbagai hal seperti fotografi karena banyaknya objek yang bagus di sini, maupun cewek-cewek yang cakep nan menyegarkan.
Well, itulah tempat-tempat yang cukup menarik, yang imbang, baik untuk kaum wanita dan kaum lelaki. Sebagai catatan, untuk para wanita, barang-barang bermerk seperti Channel, dll, dsb, dst dapat didapati dengan harga yang lebih murah di Seoul dibandingkan dengan tempat-tempat lain di dunia, sedangkan untuk para pria, wanita muda Korea, sangat menyegarkan mata...xp
Coin Collecting,
South Korea
Break Time from SK
Alright, it's been a time since I write things about South Korea. Well, I guess this time is the break time. 3 issue will be spoiled here, 2 comes from sport, my very first sport issue, and 1, is very unimportant.
Ah, for today, it's in Indonesian again. Cheers!
Oke, berita pertama dari olahraga ya. Well, akhirnya Manchester United merekrut pemain! Antonio Valencia dari Wigan Athletic. Yah, dia memang tidak sehebat CR7 yang sombong itu, tapi mudah-mudahan dia sukses dan membawa Setan Merah ke level yang lebih daripada saat CR7 yang sok itu ada d klub.
Sama, 1 hal lagi, Kobe Bryant bakalan ada di LA Lakers lagi, seenggaknya untuk 1 tahun kedepan. Relieved? Sangat. Mudah-mudahan Brown, Ariza, sama Odom statusnya bakal "diamankan". Amin.
Yang terakhir, yang super tidak penting. Hari ini, tadi pagi, gw mimpi, mimpi yang super duper aneh. Beginilah ceritanya.
Gw mimpi seolah-olah gw baru dalam perjalanan pulang ke arah Airport dari negara yang di mimpi gw sangat gw percayai adalah Korea Selatan (ok, Korea lagi!). Di tengah perjalanan, gw mulai mengeluarkan kamera DSLR kesayangan gw dari tasnya dan mulai memfoto jalan dari dalam bus yang gw tumpangi ke arah Airport. Saat itulah gw merasa ada yang aneh. Kameranya terasa lebih enteng, lebih kecil, dan lebih rumit dari yang sebelumnya. Setelah gw lihat-lihat, kok namanya bukan 400D, tapi kok 5D. Weleh. Selidik punya selidik, di mimpi itu, bokap gw dengan hebat menukar nambah kamera DSLR gw! Ajaibnya, gw menentang dengan keras penukaran-tambah tersebut, dan bersikeras ingin terus memakai 400D yang agak butut itu dengan alasan masih sangat cupu dalam hal foto-foto. Buat pengetahuan 400D itu model 2007 yang sekarang sudah entah berapa harganya sedangkan 5D Mark II model 2009 dengan harga sekitar Rp.27,000,000.00!
Kerennya, bokap gw mengiyakan untuk menukar kamera, menukarnya dengan kamera SLR jaman berhala, kira-kira dari tahun 70an ya, lengkap dengan blitznya yang besar. Berteriaklah aku dalam mimpi. Kelanjutannya, tidak perlu diceritakan, karena sudah tidak nyambung!
Kalau di dunia nyata, gw tidak akan menolak! Pasti kan kupakai, kujaga, kunina-bobo-kan, ku rawat, kumandikan (ngaco). Yah, intinya bakalan dipakai deh!
Oke,sekian yang penting dan tidak penting. South Korea, later,ok?
Ah, for today, it's in Indonesian again. Cheers!
Oke, berita pertama dari olahraga ya. Well, akhirnya Manchester United merekrut pemain! Antonio Valencia dari Wigan Athletic. Yah, dia memang tidak sehebat CR7 yang sombong itu, tapi mudah-mudahan dia sukses dan membawa Setan Merah ke level yang lebih daripada saat CR7 yang sok itu ada d klub.
Sama, 1 hal lagi, Kobe Bryant bakalan ada di LA Lakers lagi, seenggaknya untuk 1 tahun kedepan. Relieved? Sangat. Mudah-mudahan Brown, Ariza, sama Odom statusnya bakal "diamankan". Amin.
Yang terakhir, yang super tidak penting. Hari ini, tadi pagi, gw mimpi, mimpi yang super duper aneh. Beginilah ceritanya.
Gw mimpi seolah-olah gw baru dalam perjalanan pulang ke arah Airport dari negara yang di mimpi gw sangat gw percayai adalah Korea Selatan (ok, Korea lagi!). Di tengah perjalanan, gw mulai mengeluarkan kamera DSLR kesayangan gw dari tasnya dan mulai memfoto jalan dari dalam bus yang gw tumpangi ke arah Airport. Saat itulah gw merasa ada yang aneh. Kameranya terasa lebih enteng, lebih kecil, dan lebih rumit dari yang sebelumnya. Setelah gw lihat-lihat, kok namanya bukan 400D, tapi kok 5D. Weleh. Selidik punya selidik, di mimpi itu, bokap gw dengan hebat menukar nambah kamera DSLR gw! Ajaibnya, gw menentang dengan keras penukaran-tambah tersebut, dan bersikeras ingin terus memakai 400D yang agak butut itu dengan alasan masih sangat cupu dalam hal foto-foto. Buat pengetahuan 400D itu model 2007 yang sekarang sudah entah berapa harganya sedangkan 5D Mark II model 2009 dengan harga sekitar Rp.27,000,000.00!
Kerennya, bokap gw mengiyakan untuk menukar kamera, menukarnya dengan kamera SLR jaman berhala, kira-kira dari tahun 70an ya, lengkap dengan blitznya yang besar. Berteriaklah aku dalam mimpi. Kelanjutannya, tidak perlu diceritakan, karena sudah tidak nyambung!
Kalau di dunia nyata, gw tidak akan menolak! Pasti kan kupakai, kujaga, kunina-bobo-kan, ku rawat, kumandikan (ngaco). Yah, intinya bakalan dipakai deh!
Oke,sekian yang penting dan tidak penting. South Korea, later,ok?
LA Lakers,
Manchester United,
Personal Life,
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