Monday, November 9, 2009

Back To The Reality

After 2 weeks of heaven (holiday and study tour), now we (I'm) are back to the real life. Back to school, back to work, back to the reality. Fok.

2 weeks of happiness were swept in a second by my lovely physic teacher who gave us exam. 2 weeks of happiness were blown in a millisecond by hills of assignment. 2 weeks of cheers were destroyed by nightmares of exams!
Gosh! FOK!

Enough blabbing about that. Look forward. There're million and billion ways to cheer one up in extreme (stressful) condition. Those things could be their hobbies, movies, their idol, or their pet.

DO NOT let your work/school/assignment stressed you up. If you could, you're the one who have to make them stress(?). And don't forget to balance your life between job and rest, if you're not able to, maybe you're life will be shortened..


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